Israeli military reportedly used AI to carry out attacks in Gaza

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  • The tool used for the attack, Lavender, is rated for a 10 percent error rate
  • A fierce war has been going on between the terrorist organization Hamas and Israel for the last several months.
  • Israel admits to having AI equipment but denies using it

A fierce war has been going on between the Palestinian terrorist organization Hamas and Israel for the last several months. Efforts are being made by the world community to stop this war but still the war is not stopping. Now it is being said that the Israeli Army has started using Artificial Intelligence to target Hamas terrorists. This information has been given in a media report by Israeli intelligence officials. Israeli officials said the AI-based tool is called Lavender. There is bound to be a 10 percent error in this. When Israeli security forces were questioned about this, they did not dispute the existence of the equipment. However, he denied that AI was being used to identify suspected terrorists. According to another officer, the machine worked like a rubber stamp. It first identified the male and then attacked within 20 seconds.

Information system is just a tool

According to the report, in a long statement the Army stressed that the information system is merely a tool in the process of identifying terrorists. We are trying to reduce civilian casualties during war. The army also said that analysts should conduct independent investigations against the rules.

International investigation expedited

This report has come at a time when international scrutiny of Israel’s military operation is intensifying. Israel is accused of killing several foreign aid workers delivering food to Palestine in targeted air strikes. After which controversy and discussion started on this issue at the international level. According to Gaza’s health ministry, more than 32,916 people have been killed in Israeli strikes so far, while according to the United Nations, about three-quarters of the population in northern Gaza is currently suffering from hunger.

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