Saudi breaks all earnings records, Prince’s new venture successful!

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  • Great success of Prince Mohammed bin Salman’s ‘Vision 2030’
  • In 2023, tourist arrivals could generate $36 billion in revenue
  • Saudi praised for success by UN World Tourism Organization

Saudi Arabia, which is considered to be a never-ending well of oil, has achieved great success in the field of tourism. Saudi Arabia’s Prince Mohammed bin Salman’s ‘Vision 2030’ has got tremendous success. The revenue of the tourism industry in Saudi has broken all records. According to data released by the Central Bank of Saudi Arabia, Saudi Arabia is expected to earn $36 billion from tourist arrivals in the year 2023. This is the largest increase in the history of Saudi Arabia, with Saudi Arabia’s growth in 2023 expected to be 42.8 percent higher than that in 2022.

Actually, the Saudi Prince’s plan is to reduce the country’s economic dependence on oil, under which he has chosen a new path of tourism, which seems to be quite successful. To promote tourism, Saudi also decided to run ‘Dream of the Desert’ train, which will be a complete luxury train connecting many cities of Saudi. In the year 2023, Saudi Arabia remains at the first position in terms of tourism globally. The number of tourists in Saudi Arabia has increased by 56 percent. Many organizations including the United Nations World Tourism Organization have also praised Saudi for this success.

Saudi earned 12 billion dollars from Hajj and Umrah!

According to statistics, more than 10 million domestic and foreign tourists will come to Saudi Arabia in the year 2023, this is being considered a major success of Saudi Arabia’s policies. Saudi Arabia has a special focus on Hajj and Umrah, because Muslims from all over the world come to Saudi Arabia to perform Hajj. The Saudi government has spent $21 billion to expand Hajj facilities, recently installing robots in the Grand Mosque to facilitate worshippers.

In 2019, Saudi Arabia earned $12 billion from Hajj and Umrah in Mecca and Medina alone. The government aims to take it to $30 billion by 2030. In fact, when the whole world is now emphasizing on electric vehicles, Saudi has started changing its means of earning in time. Under this, tourism is being promoted in Saudi.

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