Strange decision of Pakistani court, sentenced to 80 lashes!

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  • The man had falsely accused his ex-wife of adultery
  • The person was convicted by the Federal Shariat Court
  • Convicted under section 1 of the Criminal Offenses (Enforcement of Limitation) Ordinance 1979

A Pakistani court has given a strange but rare punishment to a man. A court has sentenced a man to 80 lashes for accusing his ex-wife of adultery and refusing to accept her children. This type of punishment is not generally given in the country now.

According to media reports, Additional District and Sessions Judge Malir Shahnaz Bohyo sentenced the accused Farid Qadir to at least 80 lashes. The court convicted Qadir under Section 7(1) of the Qazaf Offenses (Border Enforcement) Ordinance 1979. Qazaaf means accusing an innocent person. A section of this ordinance states that whoever is responsible for Qadaf will be punished with 80 lashes.

What did the court say in its order

“It is absolutely clear that the accused is a liar and has falsely accused the complainant of his daughter’s immoral relationship,” the order said. He was thus convicted under Section 7(1) of the Qazaf Ordinance 1979 and sentenced to 80 lashes. The court ruled that his testimony would not be admissible in any court after he was convicted by the Federal Shariat Court.

The accused has been sentenced to flogging. So he will remain on bail. Provided that he agrees to appear at the time and place to be fixed by this Court for the punishment of whipping after his conviction and the sentence is confirmed by the Court and to furnish a surety bond of one lakh rupees.

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