Pakistan brought a condemnation motion against Israel in the UN, India took this step!

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  • A fierce war has been going on between Hamas and Israel for the last six months.
  • The United Nations claims that thousands of people have been killed in Gaza in this horrific war.
  • 13 countries including India kept distance from the UN resolution

28 countries voted in support of the resolution against Israel in the United Nations on the deteriorating situation in Gaza. Whereas 13 countries maintained distance from it. The number of countries voting against the resolution was six. America and Germany were also among the countries that voted against the resolution. There are a total of 47 countries in the United Nations Human Rights Council. Most of the countries included in this group talked about democracy and respect for human rights.

What was said in the resolution against Israel?

A resolution introduced at the United Nations called for an arms embargo on Israel. It was stressed that all countries should stop the sale or transfer of weapons and other military equipment to Israel. By doing this, violation of international human rights law and abuse of human rights will be prevented. He also called for Israel to be held accountable for ‘war crimes’ committed by its forces in Gaza.

Which country brought the proposal in the United Nations?

According to the information, a proposal against Israel was presented by Pakistan on behalf of OIC. The OIC has been trying to blame Israel for the ongoing war in Gaza for a long time. All the Islamic countries of the world including Pakistan have criticized the ongoing war with Hamas in Gaza. He says that innocent Palestinians have lost their lives due to the war.

Why did India distance itself?

India along with Georgia and the Netherlands were among the countries that abstained from voting on the resolution. India has earlier distanced itself from resolutions on the human rights situation in the Palestinian territory. This time too the proposal was boycotted and the traditional attitude was maintained. However, India also supported three resolutions brought in the United Nations in support of the Palestinian people. These included a demonstration supporting the rights of the Palestinian people, a resolution expressing concern over human rights in occupied Syria, and a resolution condemning the Israeli settlement of the occupied Palestinian territories, including the West Bank, Gaza and Jerusalem.

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