Jain spiritual guru honored with ‘Gold Volunteer Service Award’ in America

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  • Jain spiritual guru Lokesh Muni gets highest honor in America
  • Muni Ahimsa is the founder of Vishwa Bharati and World Peace Center
  • Joe Biden was congratulated through a letter signed by himself

India’s Jain spiritual guru Lokesh Muni has received the highest honor in America. He has been honored with the US President’s Gold Volunteer Service Award for his contributions to public interest and humanity.

Senior Democrat MP Brad Sharma on Tuesday honored Muni, founder of Ahimsa Vishwa Bharati and World Peace Center in India, with the President’s Award Golden Shield and Certificate of Honour.

Congratulations to Joe Biden

“I congratulate you on your contributions to the public good, the country, and humanity,” the letter, signed by President Joe Biden, said. It is noteworthy that the winners of the Presidential Volunteer Service Award are selected by AmeriCorps, an independent organization of the US government.

Increased responsibility: Jain monk

Jain Muni, honored with the American award, has said in a post on Twitter that it is an honor to be honored with the American President’s Award, but with it comes increased responsibility.

America depends on all of us

Congressman Brad Sherman said, ‘The story of America depends not on one or a few of us, but on all of us. I congratulate you for your contribution to the public interest and am proud to honor you with the President’s Swarn Swayamsevak Seva Award and your 500 hours of service to the country.’

Sages help find solutions to challenges

“By donating your passion and time, you are helping to find solutions and address the challenges we face,” the MP said. We live in a time that is waiting for hope, light and love. Hopefully our future will see us moving forward and loving each other.

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