Global warming: Temperature made new records in last 10 months, March is hottest

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  • The incidence of irregular climate change is continuously increasing
  • 2023 was hottest year since 1850: C3S
  • Heat increases due to drought conditions, forest fires, effects of greenhouse gases

Erratic weather events are already being observed across the world. As global warming is increasing, incidents of irregular climate change are also increasing. As the impact of global warming increases, so does the risk of breaking historical heat records. In fact, the European Union’s Climate Change Monitoring Service claims that heat has set new global records in the last 10 months. Every month a new record of temperature is being created. Therefore, this time March was the hottest month in the world.

All records broken in the last 10 months!

According to the European Union’s Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S), the last 10 months have broken all records. Additionally, the 12 months ending with March were also the warmest on record. The global average temperature from April 2023 to March 2024 was 1.58 degrees Celsius above the average for the pre-industrial period 1850–1900.

The weather is changing rapidly

C3S Deputy Director Samantha Burgess said, ‘This record is not normal. We are very concerned about this. “Month after month such records show that our climate is changing rapidly.”

2023 is the hottest year since 1850

He said that if we look at the data from 1940 till now, we find that March has been the hottest month in so many years this year. Whereas globally, 2023 was the hottest year since 1850. This year saw extreme weather and extreme temperatures.

Know the reason behind record breaking heat

Drought occurred due to lack of rain in the Amazon forest. At the same time, the fire in the forests of Venezuela during January-March also broke records. Whereas in South Africa, crops were destroyed due to drought and millions of people faced starvation. C3S said the rapid warming is due to man-made greenhouse gases. Other factors increasing temperatures include El Nino. El Nino peaked in December-January and is now weakening.

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