Donald Trump accuses Biden of allowing bloodshed in the border area

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  • Illegal immigrants in America accused of looting, rape and genocide: Refugees call animals in rally
  • Trump was speaking on illegal immigrants while addressing a rally in Michigan
  • America and Mexico are allowing genocide to happen on the border.

Former US President Donald Trump has accused President Joe Biden of allowing genocide on the border. Trump was speaking on illegal immigrants while addressing a rally in Michigan. He said that Biden is allowing genocide to happen in the country on the border of America and Mexico. Illegal intruders from this border commit robbery, rape and genocide in America. This is ruining our country. Earlier, Trump had called refugees animals in an election rally in Ohio state. Trump alleged that criminals from other countries are entering America through the border of America and Mexico. These people also commit crimes like theft and murder in America. Biden is allowing this. It is noteworthy that Trump wants to close this border. They allege that Biden is doing nothing to stop these criminals. Actually, there is a presidential election in America in 2024 and Donald Trump has been made the candidate by the Republican Party.

Trump wants to be a dictator for a day

A few days ago, Donald Trump had said in an interview that if he is elected President of America, he will become the dictator of America for a day so that he can close the border with Mexico. Trump has repeatedly used calamitous language against people who enter the US illegally. Addressing a public meeting in New Hampshire, he called for deporting people who entered the US illegally.

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