USA News: Before Baisakhi, American official said, it has gone viral

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  • Debate on Sikhism in US Parliament before Baisakhi
  • US MP Tom Suozzi described the ideas of Sikhism
  • “The Creator of all human beings is one”

Before Baisakhi, an influential leader from New York has given a big statement regarding Sikhism in the US Parliament. An American lawmaker has said in Parliament that Sikhism teaches that all human beings are connected to each other like a family.

Tom Suozzi on Tuesday said Guru Gobind Singh founded the Khalsa community in 1699 with the sole purpose of upholding the dignity and protection of human rights of all people irrespective of nationality, caste, religion or social status. He said, ‘Sikhism teaches that all human beings are connected to each other as one family and that they have a Creator who is within them.

Baisakhi festival will be celebrated on 13th April

“I am here to celebrate the 325th anniversary of Baisakhi on April 13, 2024, and to emphasize the values ​​of liberty, equality and religious freedom that we Americans cherish in the legacy of Guru Gobind Singh,” Suozzi told the House. He said Sikhism should also teach that every person has dignity and is worthy of respect and compassion.

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